Medical Professionals
Did you know that nearly 3 out of 4 transgender people need to educate their health care providers on the type of medical care that they need? The goal of the training is to help close the knowledge gap between providers and their LGBTQ+ patients. How do you ask someone’s pronouns? What gender should I put on the charts? How can I make a patient who’s not comfortable in their own body feel safe during examinations?
This training is meant to provide an overview of how to effectively treat LGBTQ+ patients. We’ll discuss things such as how to ask/utilize preferred pronouns and names, the impact that these can have on mental health, and how to make our patients feel more comfortable coming to us with their medical needs. With the ever-evolving population, it is more important than ever that we treat all of our patients with equity. The information in this presentation has been gathered through discussions with LGBTQ resources, both locally and accredited sources nationwide, as well as through personal experience, and numerous studies conducted by private organizations.
What We Will Cover
- A review of the who, what, and why of the LGBTQ community concerning health care
- How to ask and properly use pronouns
- Foundations of Gender Affirming Care
- Review of why LGBTQ patients may be uncomfortable in health care settings
- Examples of patient interactions to provide techniques to help all patients feel safer, not just your LGBTQ+ patients
- An interactive Q&A session where participants are free to ask anything and everything about the topic. There are no “off-limit” questions as it relates to health care for your future patients. Questions can range from how to respect body-conscious issues, sexual health, and how to be sensitive to the LGBTQ+ community with professional rapport building questions.
Who Should Attend
This training is for current or future medical professionals including RNs, MDs, PAs, and medical technicians. If you would like to get in touch, please head over to the contact page for more information!